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SIGHUP: Server %s/%s : Conn: %d act, %d pend, %d tot.SIGHUP: Proxy %s has %d active servers available. Conn: %d act, %d pend (%d unass), %d tot.[ALERT] %03d/%02d%02d%02d (%d) : cannot create listening socket for proxy %s. Aborting. socket(): not enough free sockets for proxy %s. Raise -n argument. Aborting. cannot make socket non-blocking for proxy %s. Aborting. cannot do so_reuseaddr for proxy %s. Continuing. cannot bind socket for proxy %s. Aborting. cannot listen to socket for proxy %s. Aborting. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' already specified. Continuing. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects an integer argument. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects a directory as an argument. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects a file name as an argument. parsing [%s:%d] : unknown keyword '%s' in '%s' section Invalid port '%d' specified for address '%s'. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects an argument and optionnally supports [addr1]:port1[-end1]{,[addr]:port[-end]}... parsing [%s:%d] : out of memory. parsing [%s:%d] : 'listen' or 'defaults' expected. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' not allowed in 'defaults' section. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects [addr1]:port1[-end1]{,[addr]:port[-end]}... as arguments. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects an integer as argument. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects an option name. parsing [%s:%d] : unknown option '%s'. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects a time in milliseconds. parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects as arguments. parsing [%s:%d] : weight of object %s is not within 1 and 256 (%d). parsing [%s:%d] : object %s only supports options 'name', 'code', 'size', 'time', 'cache', 'no-cache', and 'weight'. HTTPTerm version 1.4.0 2009/06/14Copyright 2000-2009 Willy Tarreau Usage : %s -f [ -vdVD ] [ -n ] [ -N ] [ -p ] [ -m ] -v displays version -d enters debug mode ; -db only disables background mode. -V enters verbose mode (disables quiet mode) -D goes daemon ; implies -q -q quiet mode : don't display messages -c check mode : only check config file and exit -n sets the maximum total # of connections (%d) -m limits the usable amount of memory (in MB) -N sets the default, per-proxy maximum # of connections (%d) -p writes pids of all children to this file -de disables epoll() usage even when available -dp disables poll() usage even when available -L []: adds a listener with one server -sf/-st [pid ]* finishes/terminates old pids. Must be last arguments. parsing [%s:%d] : invalid or incomplete '\x' sequence in '%s'. parsing [%s:%d] : unknown keyword '%s' out of section. parsing %s : no line. Nothing to do ! parsing %s : listener %s has no listen address. Please either specify a valid address on the line, or use the keyword. Errors found in configuration file, aborting. Error reading configuration file : %s Configuration file is valid : %s mode incompatible with and . Keeping only. is only meaningful in daemon mode. Setting limit to 1 process. [%s.main()] No enabled listener found (check the keywords) ! Exiting. [%s.main()] Cannot create pidfile %s [%s.main()] Cannot chroot(%s). [%s.main()] Cannot raise FD limit to %d. [%s.main()] Cannot fix MEM limit to %d megs. [%s.main()] Cannot set gid %d. [%s.main()] Cannot set uid %d. [%s.main()] FD limit (%d) too low for maxconn=%d/maxsock=%d. Please raise 'ulimit-n' to %d or more to avoid any trouble. epoll() is not available. Using poll()/select() instead. poll() is not available. Using select() instead. HTTP/1.0 %03d Connection: close %sX-req: size=%ld, time=%ld ms X-rsp: id=%s, code=%d, cache=%d, size=%d, time=%d ms (%ld real) out of memory in event_accept(). accept(): not enough free sockets. Raise -n argument. Giving up. accept(): cannot set the socket in non blocking mode. Giving up %08x:%s.accept(%04x)=%04x from [%s:%d] HTTP/1.0 302 Found Cache-Control: no-cache Connection: close Location: HTTP/1.0 303 See Other Cache-Control: no-cache Connection: close Location: HTTP/1.0 400 Bad request Cache-Control: no-cache Connection: close

400 Bad request

Your browser sent an invalid request. HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden Cache-Control: no-cache Connection: close

403 Forbidden

Request forbidden by administrative rules. HTTP/1.0 408 Request Time-out Cache-Control: no-cache Connection: close

408 Request Time-out

Your browser didn't send a complete request in time. HTTP/1.0 500 Server Error Cache-Control: no-cache Connection: close

500 Server Error

An internal server error occured. HTTP/1.0 502 Bad Gateway Cache-Control: no-cache Connection: close

502 Bad Gateway

The server returned an invalid or incomplete response. HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable Cache-Control: no-cache Connection: close

503 Service Unavailable

No server is available to handle this request. HTTP/1.0 504 Gateway Time-out Cache-Control: no-cache Connection: close

504 Gateway Time-out

The server didn't respond in time. HTTP/1.0 200 Cache-Control: no-cache Connection: close

HTTPTerm-1.4.0 - 2009/06/14

The following arguments are supported to override the default objects:
  • /?s=<size>[kmg] : return <size> bytes (may be kB, MB, GB). Eg: /?s=20k
  • /?r=<retcode> : present <retcode> as the HTTP return code. Eg: /?r=404
  • /?c=<cache> : set the return as not cacheable if zero. Eg: /?c=0
  • /?t=<time> : wait <time> milliseconds before responding. Eg: /?t=500
Note that those arguments may be cumulated on one line separated by the '&' sign :
  • GET /?s=20k&c=1&t=700 HTTP/1.0
  • GET /?r=500&s=0&c=0&t=1000 HTTP/1.0
%s globaldaemondebugsendzeronoepollnopollquietuidgidnbprocmaxconnulimit-nchrootpidfileMissing port number: '%s' Invalid server address: '%s' Invalid server name: '%s' listendefaultsbinddisabledenabledclitimeoutoptionhttpcloseforcecloseclitcpkagraceobjectnameno-cachecodesizetimeweightrdummycommand line10000w/[%s.main()] Cannot fork. %d %08x:%s.clihdr[%04x:%04x]: GET /?Cache-Control: no-cache %08x:%s.clicls[%04x:%04x] %08x:%s.closed[%04x:%04x]   Hl d  oooVfvƍ֍&6FVfvƎ֎&6FVfvƏ֏&6FVfvƐ֐&6$$x\p,GCC: (GNU) 4.2.4GCC: (GNU) 4.2.4GCC: (GNU) 4.2.4GCC: (GNU) 4.2.4GCC: (GNU) 4.2.4GCC: (GNU) 4.2.4GCC: (GNU) 4.2.4.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.jcr.dynamic.got.got.plt.data.bss.comment (( !HH$' ll@/d7o Do `S  \   e 0`@@ k@@[qlwmĈ̈Ј  ~